
Mobi2D is the ultimate tool for integrating your online fundraising with more traditional print fundraising. It uses innovative technology such as QR Codes and Microsoft Tags to encourage your donors and customers to take on-the-spot action when seeing a piece of your marketing. Through Mobi2D, you can receive customized versions of these codes to print on literature, direct mail, or anything you see fit. All the donor has to do is simply scan the code on their smartphone or handheld device, and they will be immediately taken to your online donation form. Old-fashioned links that force your donors to manually type your URL to get to a donation form are a thing of the past with Mobi2D’s quick and easy solution in print marketing.

  • mobi Level 1 PCI compliant and secure gateway

  • mobi Full back-end reporting of donor information

    mobi Customized forms to give the look and feel of your campaign

    mobi Donors choose the amount of donation or can input custom amount

    mobi Donors can choose recurring donation

    mobi Let us add a logo or picture to your Microsoft Tag to make the code even more customized for your organization.


Simply scan the code and make a donation directly from your smartphone or handheld device.